Our Service
- Destination Promotion
- Sales & Marketing Representation
- Website Solution
- Social Media
- Mobile Strategy
- Search Engine Optimization
- Direct Mail
- Advertising Campaign
- Server and Space Management
- Roadshow and Event
- Web Video Solution
- Brochures and Souveniers
- eBook
- Data Analysis
- Destination Promotion
Destination Promotion
Specializing in destination promotion, sales & marketing, media / PR, digital marketing, business event & channel development, market entry & trade expansion across Greater China regions.
Providing dedicated marketing representation , personalized services and flexible project arrangement with quality customer services and professional team support either on extensive scale or based on client's specific needs & customized requirements.
Extensive network / trade channels and accumulated ground experience in Chinese outbound travel market for overseas tourism organisations, convention & incentive bureau, attractions /theme parks , leading travel suppliers, foreign tour operators & hospitality companies.
Professional foreign and local staff team of proven capabilities, accumulated solid ground experience, wealth of market knowledge & expertise in market development, agent channel & sales distribution, trade cooperative programs, industry partnerships product development, digital marketing, PR/media and consumer promotion.Committed to assist clients in successful market entry, to deliver its business results and to achieve its sustainable growth performance.
Offering boutique customer services & quality ground support coupled with innovative solutions and passion that increase value for our clients.